Ways to Practice Self Care This Week
Self-love is the best kind of love. Take a moment to appreciate the incredible person you are inside and out and do something for you this week. Here are a few of our favorite ways to prioritize well-being and treat yourself with kindness and compassion.
Make Yourself a Yummy Meal
Nutrient dense meals morning and lunch can help fight the midday slumps and give you more energy to make it through the day. Nourish your body and your mind by eating something delicious!
Light a Candle and Take a Bath
Take some time to rest and restore by lighting your favorite candle and taking a relaxing bath. This is the perfect way to find some peace, quiet your mind, and return to center. Taking a hot bath may positively contribute to cardiovascular health and reduce stress.
Journal and Sip Tea
Take a few minutes to jot down your thoughts. Write about your day, or express a little gratitude. Journaling daily helps to process emotions and encourages self discovery. Clear your mind by putting pen to paper!
Tidy Up
A clean space makes for a clean mind - put away any messes, dishes, dog or baby toys, clothes, shoes, etc. We want to see the floor and countertops! We know life gets busy, so start with one small task every day, like making your bed or cleaning a small section of your home. This can lead to a sense of accomplishment and boost your motivation, mood, and confidence!
Select a Scent
Sonja does this herself everyday WFH, take a moment and think about what you want to smell, what are you craving? What do you need to feel right now?